Iurii Babin, Head of Sector, e-mail: ybabin@insat.org.ua, ORCID: 0000-0003-0417-1977;
Mykola Nazarenko, Candidate of Technical Science (Ph.D), Scientific Secretary, e-mail: nnazarenko@insat.org.ua, ORCID: 0000-0001-8649-9014;
Rostyslav Nilov, Head of Sector, e-mail: rnilov@insat.org.ua, ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-6685;
Victor Pinchuk, Head of Department, e-mail: vpinchuk@insat.org.ua, ORCID: 0000-0002-5562-5804
(SE «State Road Transport Research Institute»)
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2019-4-260-22-29
Abstract. Research of the main differences in the design requirements for wheeled vehicles manufactured for the markets of different countries. Review of the main legislative documents concerning the admission of RV to participation in road traffic and the state registration. Determination of the main differences RV, which were in use and were made for markets other than European, which are required pay attention to certification. Providing information and explanations for citizens wishing to purchase or have already purchased vehicles that were in use and manufactured for markets other than European, about the minimum design requirements for such vehicles, compliance with which is necessary for passing the inspection and obtaining a certificate of conformity according to the procedure for individual approval of wheeled vehicles. Definition of legislative documents about regulating the procedure for individual approval of vehicles in Ukraine. Providing information on the list of requirements (technical regulations), which must conform to the vehicle, past in usage, M1 and N1 categories for passing the procedure of individual approval of wheeled vehicles. Determination of the obligations of certification bodies in Ukraine to comply with the requirements of European standards and legislation of Ukraine during the procedure for individual approval of wheeled vehicles in Ukraine. Development and approval Technical service reports on the possibility of applying alternative technical regulations for the individual approval of completed wheeled vehicles of categories M1 and N1, which are manufactured in large series in / or for countries that are not member states of the European Union. Description of the main differences between the objects of approval that you need to pay attention to before passing certification.
Keywords: RV certification, certification of cars intended for the US market, requirements for cars during certification.
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