Makovska, Yu. A.
Model of determining price of a long-term contract for ongoing maintenance and maintenance of highways
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2018-1-253-30-32
Abstract. The paper addresses the problem of OPRC. The current state of tools justification prices OPRC: model, based on the concept of discrete state of the road surface, and the model based on the economic theory of agency. This mathematical formulation proposed by the authors simulation model justification prices OPRC based on seasonally expert estimates of probability of defects road surface and the possibility of using a certain probability of different methods of elimination of defects, different resource requirements.
Forecast assumptions about the subject of study – apply a simulation model with simulated random events and values of Monte Carlo and optimization based on evolutionary method.
Keywords: OPRC, long-term contracts, price contract, simulation model
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