Article 3 # 3’2019

Serhii Bukoiemskyi, Deputy Director of the Department, Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, e-mail:; ORCID: 0000-0003-0054-6380; DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2019-3-259-16-21

Abstract. The author conducted a number of studies. These studies have shown that it is necessary to modernize the system of technical support for armored vehicles of the State Border Service of Ukraine.
Such a need was due to the uneven modernization of the fleet of vehicles and equipping them with units that ensure that the machines are constantly ready for their intended use. This causes downtime for individual samples for a long time. In modern conditions, it is the promptness of the technique renewal that plays an important role in ensuring the tasks of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Depending on the state of the art, the level of mobility of the units will depend on the ability to complete the task on time.
Therefore, the following are urgent: development of separate methods of ensuring adaptation of the system of technical support of parks to certain conditions of their functioning; methods of introducing adaptive approaches to combining different forms of ensuring technical impacts on individual samples. Therefore, the proposed method takes into account not only the economic component of the functioning of the system, characteristic of civil organizations operating on a commercial basis, but also operational and technical, which will ensure the implementation of the whole complex of technical influences on the samples of equipment, depending on the external and internal conditions of functioning of the State Border Service.
The method proposed by the author requires a number of baseline data, on the basis of which an array of plans for the distribution of technical impacts from different technical support bodies to the machines of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine fleet will be formed. The main purpose of implementing this method is to ensure the efficient distribution of service functions, depending on the generated array of values of economic and operational-technical components. The formation of such an array is carried out in four steps: creating matrices of output data; search for optimal service plans; selecting the service plan that best suits the purpose of the optimization; formulation of recommendations for involvement of individual technical support bodies in the execution of works.
Keywords: technical support system, technical support unit, method, efficiency, rational distribution.

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