Larysa Bodnar, Head of Bridge Management State Department;
Petro Koval, PhD, Lead Researcher;
Sergii Stepanov, Researcher;
Liudmila Panibratets, Researcher
(the State Enterprise “M. P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute”)
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2019-2-258-57-68
Abstract. A significant part of Ukrainian bridges on public roads is operated for more than 30 years (94 %). At the same time, the traffic volume and the weight of vehicles has increased significantly. Insufficient level of bridges maintenance funding leads to the deterioration of their technical state. The ways to ensure reliable and safe operation of bridges are considered.
The procedure for determining the predicted operational status of the elements and the bridge in general, which has a scientific novelty, is proposed. In the software complex, Analytical Expert Bridges Management System (AESUM), is a function that allows tracking the changes in the operational status of bridges both in Ukraine and in each region separately. The given algorithm of the procedure for determining the predicted state of the bridge using a degradation model is described using the Nassie-Schneidermann diagram.
The model of the degradation of the bridge performance which is adopted in Ukraine as a normative one, and the algorithm for its adaptation to the AESUM program complex with the function to ensure the probabilistic predicted operating condition of the bridges in the automatic mode is presented. This makes it possible, even in case of unsatisfactory performance of surveys, to have the predicted lifetime of bridges at the required time. For each bridge element it is possible to determine the residual time of operation that will allow predict the state of the elements of the structure for a certain period of time in the future.
Significant interest for specialists calls for the approaches to the development of orientated perspective plans for bridge inspection and monitoring of changes in the operational status of bridges for 2009-2018 in Ukraine. For the analysis of the state of the bridge economy, the information is available on the distribution of bridges by operating state related to the administrative significance of roads, by road categories and by materials of the structures.
Determining the operating state of the bridge is an important condition for making the qualified decisions as regards its maintenance. The Analytical Expert Bridges Management System (AESUM) which is implemented in Ukraine, stores the data on the monitoring the status of bridges and performs the necessary procedures to maintain them in a reliable and safe operating condition.
An important result of the work is the ability to determine the distribution of bridges on the public roads of Ukraine, according to operating conditions established in the program complex of AESUM, which is presented in accordance with the data of the current year. In conditions of limited funding and in case of unsatisfactory performance of surveys, it is possible to make the reasonable management decisions regarding the repair and the reconstruction of bridges.
Keywords: bridge management system, operating condition, predicted operating condition, model of degradation, bridge survey plan, highway bridge.
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