Nagrebelna Liydmila, Research Assistant, the State Enterprise “M. P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute”
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2019-2-258-50-56
Abstract. The main factors affecting road safety are outlined. The main methods of road accident analysis are presented, which will allow accurate determination of areas of high danger. By distributing road traffic accidents along the length of the road, it is possible to identify such areas and areas where road conditions have a dominant influence on the emergence of accidents, which is important in planning measures to improve traffic safety. It is proved that the effectiveness of the result depends on the precisely defined areas where first of all it is necessary to implement measures to improve road safety.
It is completely impossible to predict the occurrence of traffic accidents because many different factors influence them. These factors relate both to traffic conditions on the motorway and to the impact of the traffic flow itself, a separate vehicle, a human factor, weather conditions etc. Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive approach in solving a complex problem is increasing road safety.
The purpose of this article is to: reduce the number of accidents and their victims on the highways of Ukraine by means of the priority implementation of measures to improve road conditions and improve the organization of traffic on highway sections of high danger identified by the results of linear analysis of accidents.
Linear accident analysis provides an opportunity not only to effectively and reasonably plan events, but also to evaluate the outcome of their implementation.
Reducing the number of traffic accidents and their victims in highway sections of high danger identified by the results of linear accident analysis is the best method for creating safe traffic conditions.
Purposeful financing of measures aimed primarily at eliminating the most dangerous in terms of accident rate of road sections and the main risk factors of an accident will allow to reduce the number of accidents and the severity of their consequences.
Keywords: road safety, linear analysis, methods of analysis.
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