Mohyla Ihor, Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Lviv Municipal Enterprise “Lvivavtodor”
Bezuhlyy Artem, Candidate of Econimy Sciences (PhD), the State Enterprise “M. P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute”
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2019-2-258-37-45
Abstract. Cycle movement and cycle infrastructure as inherent part of modern city are growing intensively in Ukraine. There are adopted National Transport Strategy on the state level to promote and develop cycle movement. On local level for the same reason more than 15 Ukrainian cities have their own programs or strategies. But based on research results, there is considerable latent demand on cycle movement, which cannot be expressed because of lack of cycling infrastructure, its fragmentation or low design quality.
In this article basic requirements and principles of planning and design of cycle infrastructure, particularly for cities with progressing cycle movement, are analyzed. There is also shown that requirements of valid state documents and updated building norms provide presence of cycling infrastructure, but these requirements are not enough for high level of its quality.
All outlined is a reason for developing and implementation of new state standard DSTU xxxx:20xx “Planning and designing of cycling infrastructure”, project of which has been developed based on better practices of countries with well-grown cycle movement. It has requirements for planning of cycle network, designing of cycle infrastructure on urban streets and roads (included different street types, narrowed sites, public transport stops, yield, signalized and roundabout intersections), highways and rural roads, requirements for fencing poles, restraining bicycle fences, bicycle racks and parking and constructive requirement for pavement. Project of standard contains also more than 40 schemes to help designers and other stakeholders to work with this standard by visualization of its requirements.
Usage of DSTU xxxx:20xx “Planning and designing of cycling infrastructure” during designing of urban streets, highways, rural roadsand spatial development in general will promote development of cycle movement, rising of road safety level, decreasing of traffic volume and negative influence of motorized transport (especially in cities) on environment.
Keywords: cycling movement, cycling infrastructure, state building guidelines.
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