Article 6 # 2’2019

Valentyn Merzhyievskyi, Senior Research Officer; Yuliya Ponomarova, Ist Category Translator (the State Enterprise «State Road Transport Research Institute»)
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2019-2-258-35-36

In order to improve the national terminology in the industry and simultaneously to coordinate it with international terms, we propose to the Ukrainian motor transport community to take part in compilation of specialized translation dictionary. The magazine «Avtoshlyakhovyk Ukrayiny», as indicated in the No 1 (253) 2018, have opened a new section, «Automotive Industry Dictionary», intended to publish our draft definitions of the most controversial terms in Ukrainian, with comments on their formation and scope and corresponding terms in other languages.
Please, send your remarks and ideas by email indicating «Automotive Industry Dictionary» in the subject line to:


1. Derzhstandart Ukrayiny. (2009). Terminolohichna robota. Zasady i pravyla rozroblennya standartiv na terminy ta vyznachennya ponyat: DSTU 3966:2009. [Terminology. Principles and working out procedure of standards for terms and definitions: DSTU 3966:2009]. Kyiv, 30.
2. Naukova Dumka (1974). Slovnyk ukrayins’koyi movy [Ukrainian language dictionary]. Kyiv, 5, 24. Retrieved from
3. Naukova Dumka (1974). Slovnyk ukrayins’koyi movy [Ukrainian language dictionary]. Kyiv, 5, 25. Retrieved from
4. Hinzburh, M. D. (2011). Vydove protystavlennya viddiyeslivnykh imennykiv na poznachennya opredmetnenykh protsesiv u slov’yans’kykh movakh [Opposition by verb aspect of verbal nouns designating of the subjectified processes in Slavic languages]. Ukrainian language, 2, 30. Retrieved from
5. Rebeznyuk, I. (2017). Pyshemo za natsional’nymy, a ne radyans’kymy pravylamy [Let us write with national, not Soviet rules]. Retrieved from
6. Derzhstandart Ukrayiny. (1994). Rozrakhunky ta vyprobuvannya na mitsnist’. Opir vtomi. Terminy ta vyznachennya: DSTU 2444-94. [Calculations and strength tests. Resistance to fatigue. Terms and definitions: DSTU 2444-94]. Kyiv, 71.
7. Derzhstandart Ukrayiny. (1994). Aparaty elektrychni komutatsiyni. Osnovni ponyattya. Terminy ta vyznachennya: DSTU 2848-94. [Electric switching devices. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions: DSTU 2848-94]. Kyiv, 59.
8. Derzhstandart Ukrayiny. (1997). Vahy ta dozatory vahovi. Terminy ta vyznachennya: DSTU 3647-97. [Weighing scales and dispensers. Terms and definitions: DSTU 3647-97]. Kyiv, 60.
9. Derzhstandart Ukrayiny. (1994). Shyny pnevmatychni. Konstruktsiya. Terminy ta vyznachennya: DSTU 2219-93. [Pneumatic Tires. Construction. Terms and definitions: DSTU 2219-93]. Kyiv, 76.
10. Derzhstandart Ukrayiny. (2015). Shyny pnevmatychni. Konstruktsiya. Terminy ta vyznachennya: DSTU 2219-2015. [Pneumatic Tires. Construction. Terms and definitions of concepts]. Kyiv, 57.
11. Pravyla dorozhnyoho rukhu [Traffic rules], approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers from October 10, 2001 No 1306. Retrieved fromп.