Serghii Bukoiemskyi, Deputy Director of the Department, Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2019-2-258-24-30
Abstract. It is held the analysis of the state of functioning of the system of technical support of automobiles and armored vehicles factory parks. The basis of this system is the technical support units. These units provide quality and timely implementation of technical influences on machinery. So, the main task of information support of technical support is to determine the needs of vehicles parks in such influences and an assessment of the capabilities of the relevant technical support units. Thus, there is an urgent need to model the functioning of these units. These units can be internal or external, with which the Internal Subdivision is subordinate to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and the external unit is subordinate to another organization. All these types of units need to be analyzed. The end result of the functioning of this system is the implementation of such a managerial influence on its structure, which will provide maximum effect of the adaptation of the combined system of technical support of automobile and armored vehicles fleets of the units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Thus, successful resolution of the tasks of information support of technical support of automobile and armored vehicles fleets of the units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine requires formalization of the functioning of certain technical support units. The study simulates this process. The technical support unit is presented as a mass service system with an extraordinary inbound request flow and a limited service queue. As a result, a number of dependencies were obtained that allow forecasting of the possibilities of separate technical support departments of technical parks and use of the obtained values in the process of implementation of the information support of technical support of such parks.
Keywords: technical support system, technical support unit, model, mass service system, efficiency.
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