Article 3 # 2’2019

Pivtorak Halyna, assistant, National University «Lviv Polytechnic»

DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2019-2-258-17-23

Abstract. Understanding the features and availability of information about the functioning indicators of public transport stops will improve the organization of movement in the city. This paper intended to study the trends change the downtime of public transport vehicles at stop using data of field research. The analysis of literary sources has shown that the number of studies of combined stops is insufficient and we tried to concentrate on the comparison of bus and combined stops. The field inspections were conducted at the city’s stops in Lviv on working days separately in the morning peak time and separately in the interpeak dinner period. For the given series of data of field inspections the following statistical characteristics were calculated: average value, median, percentile, confidence interval, value asymmetry. On the basis of research, it was discovered that other factors, other than the time of boarding and landing of passengers, affect the duration of downtime. And the influence of these factors is more than half the duration of the entire downtime. It was found that the downtimes are longer for combined bus and tram stops. When constructing trend lines to determine the relationship between passenger traffic and the downtime of public transport vehicles at stop the value of the determination factor in all cases does not exceed 0.52. Dependence on the sufficient value of the determination factor is found for the interconnection between the average downtime and number of vehicles arrivals per hour and between the average downtime and the stop passenger traffic per hour. The results obtained should be taken into account when calculating the capacity of public transport stops, lines of public transport routes, links of the street and road network.
Keywords: downtime, stop of public transport, passenger exchange, median.

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