Fedorov Volodymyr, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Yanovsky Vasyl, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Mazur, E. M., Master Degree (National Transport University)
Abstract. Ukraine has been fighting for five years in the east with the Northern Neighbor and for much more time striving for NATO membership. Under these circumstances, the ongoing improvement of military technology. Creation of modern armored cars is topical. One of the important requirements for them – high masking properties. In addition to visual masking there is also sound. In this case, it means reducing the external noise of armored cars. The source of noise and ways to reduce them is a lot. One of the most powerful sources of armored car noise is the noise of the release system, the noise of the bedroom. This type of noise is reduced by means of silencers. The latter are diverse in terms of designs, principles of operation, frequency characteristics and acoustic efficiency. The increase of the acoustic efficiency of silencer noise of the car internal combustion engines was proposed using a gas screen, which until now was used only in aircraft engineering. The essence of the proposal is to create around the outlet branch muffler gas flow, the speed of which is higher than the speed of the outflow of bedrooms. Due to this, the sound waves contained in the sleeping bags will not be able to go into the environment, passing through an additional gas stream, and they will fall onto a special sound absorbing plate. Correspondingly, the sponges will be reflected from this plate and will go to the environment. In this work, for example, the KrAZ Armored Vehicle “Bastion” shows the projected increase in the acoustic efficiency of the existing silencer through the use of a gas screen for the speed of the armored vehicle 45, 50, 75 and 85 km / h. At the same time, the dependence of the difference in speeds of artificially created gas flow and the beds in the muffler of noise from the angle of incidence of sound waves in the flow of bedrooms was calculated. Also shown is the dependence of the angle of incidence of sound waves on the frequency of the latter. Improvement of the existing muffler noise of the internal combustion engines through the use of a gas screen is projected to reduce the external noise of the KrAZ “Bastion” car at 4-6 dB in the range of 45-85 km / h.
Keywords: armored vehicle, internal combustion engine, silencer, exhaust gases, noise, noise source, acoustic efficiency, gas screen.
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