Article 1 № 2’2019

Horpyniuk Andrii, Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Deputy Director for Science;
Taraban Serghii, Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Head of Department;
Koskovetskyi Volodymyr, Senior Researcher;
Shatran Andrii, Engineer
(Department of Transport Safety Research, Issues of Normalization, Standardization and Metrology, State Enterprise «State Road Transport Research Institute»)

DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2019-2-258-2-10

Abstract. The issue of the safety of pedestrians, in particular school-age children during their movement at nighttime is considered with the coverage of such aspects of road safety as road infrastructure, vehicle design, behavior of drivers and pedestrians, especially children directly as the most vulnerable road users, and educational activities. Particular attention is paid to the fact that road traffic is the most complex and difficult aspect of the environment that a child can experience, especially during in poor daylight and in darkness (because in the autumn and winter it gets dark very early and time when children should go to school or from school falls at this period of the day).
In the paper is shown how the visibility zones for drivers of motor vehicles in the darkness and in bad weather conditions are changing. Also, in the paper is provided information about the visibility of pedestrians who use or do not use on the clothes the retro-reflective elements, at the use of dipped and distant headlights of the car.
The legislation of Ukraine and European countries in this area, which in particular regulates the requirements for the use of retro-reflective elements, as well as the practice and recommendations regarding their use, are analyzed.
At the same time, the paper conducted a review of existing decisions that ensure pedestrian safety and allow them to be more visible to drivers of motor vehicles, especially with the onset of dusk and at nighttime. The analysis of the recommendations contained in the Consolidated Resolution on Road Traffic (R.E.1) concerning the increase of road safety in the dark time of day is carried out. Recommendations on possible actions to enhance the safety of pedestrians at the national level, including school-age children during their movement at nighttime are given.
Keywords: road safety, road traffic accident, vulnerable road user, pedestrian, vehicle, retro-reflective element.

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