ISSN 0365-8392 (print) /  ISSN 2958-0757 (online)

The last issue

Founded in 1960 as “Автодорожник Украины” (Avtodorozhnik Ukraїny). The title of journal changed in 1993 to “Автошляховик України” (Avtošljachovyk Ukraïny / Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrayiny)

Certificate of the State Registration: of 14.12.2016, KB No. 22472-12372 ПР, issued by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine Scientific and industrial periodical according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 10.05.2017 No. 693

Certification of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the following scientific specialties: 133 Sectoral Engineering; 183 Environmental protection technologies; 191 Architecture and urban planning; 192 Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering; 274 Road transport; 275 Transportation technologies (by type); 263 Civil Security; Category “B”

Languages: Ukrainian, English A scientific and industrial journal published since 1960, the Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrayiny (“Road Transporter аnd Road Constructor of Ukraine” journal) is an authoritative periodical among road transport and road industry specialists.

Materials on modern technologies, scientific research works, legal and regulatory documents related to road transport and road construction, materials on designing and construction of roads, on special equipment and others are presented on the journal pages.

The Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrayiny is a professional journal (e.g., its publications are taken into account for doctoral thesis defense); it contains two major sections: “Road Transport” and “Roads”.

Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrayiny is indexed by: Ulrichsweb CrossRef Google Scholar Index Copernicus International Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD)

Co-foundersNational Transport University of Ukraine (NTU)the State Enterprise “The State Road Transport Research Institute” (SE SRTRI) and the State Enterprise “National Institute for Development Infrastructure” (SE NIDI) It is issued quarterly (March (No. 1), June (No. 2), September (No. 3), December (No. 4)). The Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrayiny is subscribed by all regional motor transport and road construction administrations, leading enterprises of the industry; the largest libraries of Ukraine receive journal issues for free. The whole journal’s content is 100% open information from 2017. All articles published in the journal are single blind peer reviewed (the author’s manuscript is forwarded to a reviewer by the production editor of the journal) or open peer reviewed (direct cooperation between the author and the reviewer for improving the article) and are approved for publication by the decision of the editorial board. In our publishing activity, we are guided by the provisions of Chapter 36 “Intellectual Property Rights for Literary, Artistic and Other Works (Copyright)” of the Civil Code of Ukraine Editor-in-

Chief: Dmytrychenko Mykola , Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), Professor, Academic Council Chairman of the National Transport University, Rector of NTU Advisor (NTU, Ukraine, dmitrichenko@ntu.edu.ua)

Deputy Editors-in-Chief: Gorytskyi Viktor , Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), Professor, Director of SE SRTRI (Ukraine, vgorytskyi@insat.org.ua); Novikova Alla, Doctor of Economic Sciences (D.Sc.), Assistant to the Deputy Director for Research of SE SRTRI (Ukraine, anovikova@insat.org.ua); Bezuhlyi Artem, Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph.D.), Director of SE “NIDI” (Ukraine, ab@nidi.org.ua); Kaskiv Volodymyr, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Docent, Deputy Director on Scientific Work of SE “NIDI” (Ukraine, vk@nidi.org.ua)

Editorial Board: Ageyev V. B., Candidate of Technical Sciences (SE SRTRI, Ukraine, vageev@insat.org.ua); Bieliatynskyi A. O., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (NAU, Ukraine, beljatynskij@ukr.net); Bogomolov V. O., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (KHNADU, Ukraine, bv@khadi.kharkov.ua); Bondar N. M., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (NTU, Ukraine; Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland, ruta2000@ukr.net); Gutarevych Yu. F., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (NTU, Ukraine, yugutarevich@gmail.com); Zolotaryov V. O., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (TAU, Ukraine, kafedradsm@gmail.com); Klymenko O. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (SE SRTRI, Ukraine, aklimenko.insat@gmail.com); Kolesnyk Yu. R., Doctor of Chemical Sciences (RPE “KROK”, Ukraine, kolesnikyr@gmail.com); Kryvoruchko O. M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (KHNADU, Ukraine, oksana_kryvoruchko@i.ua); Luty Witold, Post-doctoral degree, Eng. (Przemysłowy Instytut Motoryzacji, Poland, w.luty@pimot.eu); Merzhyievskyi V. V., Senior Researcher (Ukraine, to.insat@gmail.com); Mozgovyi V. V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (NTU, Ukraine, mozgoviy@gmail.com); Nahaichuk V. M., Candidate of Technical Sciences (SE “NIDI”, Ukraine, v.nagaychuk@nidi.org.ua); Redziuk A. M., Candidate of Engineering Sciences (TAU, Ukraine, anatoliyredzuk@gmail.com); Sakhno V. P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (NTU, Ukraine, svp_40@ukr.net); Sterenharz Arnold, Dr. Ing. (ECM Space technologies GmbH, Germany, arnold.sterenharz@evm-office.de). Production Editor: Kopanytsia I. V., Master of Journalism, Transport Engineer, Chief of Inform. Analytical & Library Funds, Scient. & Technical Publications Deptment of SE SRTRI, Ukraine, ikopanytsya@insat.org.ua Avtošljachovyk Ukraïny / A Scientific and Industrial Journal the Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrayiny © 1960 by the State Enterprise “The State Road Transport Research Institute” (SE SRTRI) is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International      



Editor-in-Chief: Dmytrychenko Mykola , Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), Professor, Academic Council Chairman of the National Transport University, Rector of NTU Advisor (NTU, Ukraine, dmitrichenko@ntu.edu.ua)

Deputy Editors-in-Chief: Gorytskyi Viktor , Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), Professor, Director of SE SRTRI (Ukraine, vgorytskyi@insat.org.ua); Novikova Alla, Doctor of Economic Sciences (D.Sc.), Assistant to the Deputy Director for Research of SE SRTRI (Ukraine, anovikova@insat.org.ua); Bezuhlyi Artem, Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph.D.), Director of SE “NIDI” (Ukraine, ab@nidi.org.ua); Kaskiv Volodymyr, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Docent, Deputy Director on Scientific Work of SE “NIDI” (Ukraine, vk@nidi.org.ua)

Editorial Board: Ageyev V. B., Candidate of Technical Sciences (SE SRTRI, Ukraine, vageev@insat.org.ua); Bieliatynskyi A. O., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (NAU, Ukraine, beljatynskij@ukr.net); Bogomolov V. O., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (KHNADU, Ukraine, bv@khadi.kharkov.ua); Bondar N. M., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (NTU, Ukraine; Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland, ruta2000@ukr.net); Gutarevych Yu. F., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (NTU, Ukraine, yugutarevich@gmail.com); Zolotaryov V. O., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (TAU, Ukraine, kafedradsm@gmail.com); Klymenko O. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (SE SRTRI, Ukraine, aklimenko.insat@gmail.com); Kolesnyk Yu. R., Doctor of Chemical Sciences (RPE “KROK”, Ukraine, kolesnikyr@gmail.com); Kryvoruchko O. M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (KHNADU, Ukraine, oksana_kryvoruchko@i.ua); Luty Witold, Post-doctoral degree, Eng. (Przemysłowy Instytut Motoryzacji, Poland, w.luty@pimot.eu); Merzhyievskyi V. V., Senior Researcher (Ukraine, to.insat@gmail.com); Mozgovyi V. V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (NTU, Ukraine, mozgoviy@gmail.com); Nahaichuk V. M., Candidate of Technical Sciences (SE “NIDI”, Ukraine, v.nagaychuk@nidi.org.ua); Redziuk A. M., Candidate of Engineering Sciences (TAU, Ukraine, anatoliyredzuk@gmail.com); Sakhno V. P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (NTU, Ukraine, svp_40@ukr.net); Sterenharz Arnold, Dr. Ing. (ECM Space technologies GmbH, Germany, arnold.sterenharz@evm-office.de).

Production Editor: Kopanytsia I. V., Master of Journalism, Transport Engineer, Chief of Inform. Analytical & Library Funds, Scient. & Technical Publications Deptment of SE SRTRI, Ukraine, ikopanytsya@insat.org.ua

Avtošljachovyk Ukraïny / A Scientific and Industrial Journal the Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrayiny © 1960 by the State Enterprise “The State Road Transport Research Institute” (SE SRTRI) is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International      



We print only exclusive materials on the pages of Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrayiny . All articles are checked by the academic anti-plagiarism system StrikePlagiarism. If the percentage of originality of the article is less than 70%, the article is not accepted for further review and is returned to the author. Please fill out the consent form together with the submitted article. Requirements for publication in the Avtoshlyahovyk Ukrainy: • UDK; • Information about the author (surname, initials, degree, rank, position, university/ organisation) – in Ukrainian and English; ORCID; e-mail; no more than three authors for one article; • Title of the article – in Ukrainian and English; • Abstract and keywords in two languages (Ukrainian, English); Аbstract in English – no less then 1800 characters with spaces including the keywords; • Introduction: formulation of the issue in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; an analysis of recent research works and publications in which it has been initiated the clarification of the discussed issue and to which the author refers, a description of previously unsettled parts of a general issue to which this article is devoted; formation of the article objectives (purpose of the work); • The main part: presentation of the main research materials with a full substantiation of the scientific results obtained; • Conclusion: the results of this study and also prospects for the further investigation in this direction; • References: sources used by the author for writing/substantiating his/her materials or their certain parts. The references used should be provided in two languages, Ukrainian and English / The rules for formalisation in Latin of the sources can be viewed; Article technical requirements: • Heading – Arial font, 16 kegel (in Ukr.) and Arial font, 14 kegel (in Eng.), bold, equation centered. Abstract and keywords – Cambria font, 10 kegel, italic, page width equation. The main text of the article is laid out in two columns, font Cambria, 12 kegel. • Maximum number of characters up to 20 thousand. All articles published in the journal are single blind peer review (the author’s manuscript is forwarded to a reviewer by the production editor of the journal) or open peer review (direct collaboration between the author and the reviewer in order to improve the article) and are approved for publication by the decision of the editorial board. In our publishing activity, we rely on the provisions of Chapter 36 “Intellectual Property Rights for Literary, Artistic and Other Works (Copyright)” of the Civil Code of Ukraine, as well as the  Creative Commons license. We charge the fees for publication in the Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrayiny journal: 100.00 UAH per journal page. We charge the fees for DOI – 90.00 UAH Avtošljachovyk Ukraïny / A Scientific and Industrial Journal the Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrayiny © 1960 by the State Enterprise “The State Road Transport Research Institute” (SE SRTRI) is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International 


“Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrayiny” is a scientific-and-industrial journal for specialists of automotive transport and the road sector, which has been released since 1960. On its pages. materials on modern technologies, scientific research and developments are presented, issues on organisation and economics of the industry and implementation of the quality management system of the transport-and-road complex are highlighted, as well as information on new operational and constructive materials is provided.

The Editorial Board of the specialised scientific periodical, Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrayiny, comprises of 15 Doctors of Sciences, including 6 Doctors of Economics, 1 Doctor of Chemistry Sciences and 8 Doctors of Technical Sciences, and 6 Candidates (Ph.D.) of Technical and 1 Candidate (Ph.D.) of Chemistry Sciences.

All articles published in the journal are single blind peer review (the author’s manuscript is forwarded to a reviewer by the production editor of the journal) or open review (direct collaboration between the author and the reviewer for improving the article) and are approved for publication by the decision of the Editorial Board. In our publishing activity we are guided by the provisions of Chapter 36 “Intellectual Property Rights for Literary, Artistic and Other Works (Copyright)” of the Civil Code of Ukraine.

It is released 4 issues per annum (March, June, September, December).

The Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrayiny may be subscribed at every post office via the Catalog of Periodicals of Ukraine of SE Presa Ukrayiny (our subscription index is 74000) or via the our editorial office: please send your request to the address: ikopanytsya@insat.org.ua The cost of one copy of the journal is 150,00 UAH