Volodymyr Fedorov, Ph.D., Associate Professor; Vasyl’ Yanovsky, Ph.D., Associate Professor; Dmytro Kovalshuk, Master Degree (National Transport University)
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2019-1-257-21-26
Abstract. Ecological requirements for cars grow from year to year, both in the world as a whole, and in Ukraine in particular. This is especially true of noise pollution. Additionally, noise reduction becomes relevant, taking into account the conduct of military operations during the last 5 years on the territory of Ukraine. The war has caused a special need for military vehicles for which masking properties are vital. Noise is a serious disincentive factor. Therefore, its reduction for a military vehicle, apart from the environmental aspect, is of a purely military nature, that is, it is extremely important. The car has many sources of noise there are many ways to deal with them. One of the most powerful source of noise is the sleeping bag. This kind of noise is reduced by means of silencers of noise. The vast majority of silencer data in the basis of its design has a reactive (or resonant) muffler. To calculate the jet silencer you must know the speed of sound in the sleeping bags. In order to increase the acoustic efficiency of reactive and resonant mufflers of exhaust gases noise of the ICE of cars, an experimental method was proposed for determining the speed of sound in the sleighs. Implementation of the method is carried out by measuring the attenuation of acoustic waves. The noise level of the bedrooms is measured without silencer and silencer. Based on the data obtained, the noise reduction performance of the residual is established. From the well-known formula, based on the calculation of the efficiency of the silencing of a jet muffler, a formula is obtained for calculating the speed of sound in the sleeping quays. In this formula, all parameters are known: the level of silencer efficiency, the noise level of the sleeping, the ratio of areas of cross sections of the muffler and the inlet pipe and the length of the muffler. The sound speed thus established can continue to be used not only for engines of the type for which measurements and calculations were made, but also with a certain approximation for some other types of engines. This method provides high accuracy for determining the required parameter. In the given work on the example of the armored car KrAZ “Fiona” the calculation of efficiency increase of the reactive silencer is made due to the above-mentioned method. Also, the projected decrease in the external noise level of the KrAZ Armored Vehicle “Fiona” is considered by determining the speed of sound in the recesses on the trunk cycle on the road with acceleration up to speed of 50 km/h (75 km/h) and the movement with this speed, as well as when driving at a speed of 45 km/h.
Keywords: transport, armored car, internal combustion engine, exhaust, exhaust gases, noise, source, acoustic efficiency, acoustic efficiency, speed of sound, jet muffler.
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