Baranov Georgyi, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor National Transport University
Mnatsakanian Mariya, assistant, Pryazovskyi State Technical University,
Danylova Tetyana, PhD, Head of Department the State Enterprise «State Road Transport Research Institute»)
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2019-1-257-12-19
Abstract. This article is devoted to the process of modeling dynamic systems of city intelligent transport systems (CITS) with the help of information technologies. The proposed means of fundamentally new integrated subsystems CITS, simultaneously covers arrays of heterogeneous data and use modern neural network technologies to provide information support for the management of transport systems. The safety of the ecological state as a result of the influence of urban traffic in the conditions of industrial centers was formalized for information technologies. Descriptions are executed as mathematical models of complex particles of objects of the city intellectual transport network with the use of heterogeneous fragments. Strategies and methods of systematic management are analyzed for solving complex problems of reducing the ecological load of the city. Ontological descriptions in basic model forms that are focused on ensuring the safety and ecology of urban applications to overcome contamination, risks and threats.
This direction involves the creation of systems for automated management of transport infrastructure, which at the moment requires the solution of a range of scientific and technical tasks.The built-in neural network models of dependence will effectively solve planning problems with controlling influences on the infrastructure of urban intelligent transport systems, which will improve the characteristics of the traffic flow and reduce the environmental burden on the environment. The analysis of transport infrastructure and the activities of organizations that have a direct influence on it, has allowed us to propose a scheme for the use of heterogeneous information in the information support of the management of environmental safety and the throughput of the street-road network of urban intelligent transport systems.
Keywords: information technology, transport system, situational management, risks, models of the situation.
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